Mary King was rescued on 21st December 2011
We received a call on the 21st December 2011 about a pup at St Michaels Mount, due to its condition it was decided that the pup would need treatment
at the Seal Sanctuary.

This little girl was around 8 weeks old very malnourished at only 13.5kg, completely exhausted with numerous puncture wounds to flipper and tail which would need to be cleaned and treated. This pup has been named Mary King.
Mary King
Mary King Update: 1st January 2012 - Photo left of Mary King was taken in the hospital on 28th December 2011.     Click here to see further photos.

On 31st December 2011 Mary King was moved to the outside nursery pool 3 for her next stage of rehabilitation which will include introducing her to other seals and teaching Mary how to feed and fend for herself.
Mary´s flipper tag number is 30 (green).

Update: 28th January 2012 - Mary is the Queen of the pups and rules the convalescent pool.
Update: 6th April 2012 - Photo right of Mary King was taken on 4th April 2012.     Click here to see another photo of Mary King.

Update: 24th April 2012 - Mary King is doing really well and putting on weight. The rescued pups are enjoying the piggy back rides around the pool with the resident seals, but it is going to be a few more weeks before any pups are
ready for release back to the wild.
Mary King
Seal Release 29th May 2012Update: 30th May 2012 - On Tuesday 29th May 2012 the Cornish Seal Sanctuary´s Animal Care Team decided to do a seal pup release as the weather in Cornwall was good and the high tides were on their side.

Members of the Animal Care Team drove to Gunwalloe which is a short distance from the seal sanctuary and managed to release nine pups Mary King, Tony Hawk, Carwardine, Shawn Ellis, Van Persie, Tiny Tim, Sam Cornelius, Steve Irwin and Bronte back to the wild.
